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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Disney shuts down Johnny Depp's new movie, "The Lone Ranger."

The Lone Ranger

Disney has shut down production on The Lone Ranger, the movie was sit to star Johnny Depp.

The movie, which was sit to begin shooting this fall, however, the shutting down of the project lays in producer Jerry Bruckheimer, who was over the budget sit for the film by Disney.

Lone Ranger was going to become another potential franchise starring one of Disney's main stars in Depp, who was sit to play the role of Tonto.  Armie Hammer was sit to play the Lone Ranger and Gore Verbinski, who directed the first three Pirates of the Caribbean films, was tapped to direct the film.

The shutting down of the film is due in large part to budget concerns from Disney.  Bruckheimer has said that he wanted a budget of $232 million for the film, and Disney was at a figure of $200 million.  Also a concern for the studio is the genre of the film.  Many western films are having some dark days at the box office, one needs to look no further than the recent film Cowboys & Aliens, which had a pour showing at the box office.

It is still yet to be seen if Disney will just push back the release date for this film, or if another studio will pick up the film for production.  Hopefully we will see the masked man on screen in the near future!

Monday, August 15, 2011

First post. The Dark Knight Rises.

The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises, is the upcoming American superhero film that is directed by Christopher Nolan, David S. Goyer, and Jonathan Nolan. The film is of course the third and final installment in Nolan's Batman series.  It is due out in theater's on July 20, 2012.

The film stars (just the main characters): Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/ Batman.  Sir Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox, (new cast member for this movie) Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle, (new cast member for this movie) Tom Hardy as Bane. Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate, Joseph-Gordon-Levitt as John Blake.

Everyone knows that this is the follow up to the blockbuster film " The Dark Knight," which was one of my favorite films of, not only 2008, but all time. This time around, Christopher Nolan is back to direct, after putting out Inception, and will now put out what many, including myself, hope to be an amazing Batman movie.

This movie has a budget of $250 million, and filming started on May 6, 2011 in India, and is scheduled to be complete by November of 2011.  At the current date (August 15, 2011) the crew and cast are in Pittsburgh shooting scenes for the movie, shooting under the working title "Magnus Rex."  The movie will include scene's with members of the Pittsburgh Steelers football team, as well as many other area's of the city being used in the film.

Also new for this film is the main villain Bane.  Actor Tom Hardy was cast to play him and for this role, Hardy had to add 30 lbs.  The character of Bane was seen in the film "Batman & Robin," in which the audience finds out that he became so muscular by being the sole-surviving person from the experiments done on him by Venom.  Hopefully Nolan and Hardy do a good job of really playing up the troubled past that the character has had.

This film will be one of the most "Must See Films," of 2012! Can't wait to see how Nolan decides to tell the story and how he will tell the story of Bane and what role he will play in the movie.

Below is a link to the teaser trailer for the movie.